Friday, August 1, 2014

gettin' tubed

Day 86 ~ miles 1356.6 - 1381.5

Another HOT, HOT day on the good ole' PCT.  Finally, we're beginning to feel like ourselves and things are getting back to normal, if you catch my drift. 

The hiking was easy, despite the heat, and we were able to crank out some quick miles. For most of the day we wandered through an old burn area.  Burned up trees don't provide any shade, so that was fun.  Water was a bit scarce; we considered it as a practice run for our big waterless stretch tomorrow.  We had a big hiking day to position ourselves well for a 33 mile stretch without on-trail water: thr Hat Creek Rim.  It's the current hype on the trail. 

Our day ended at Subway Cave, where water was a little more than a quarter mile off-trail.  Of lesser importance was the Subway Cave, a lava tube through which we walked a loop trail underground.  We entered the cave at dusk, and our weak headlamps did not provide the light that we desired inside.  Although neither of us spoke of it until later, we both wanted to turn around shortly after entering.  It was such a creepy feeling! The pitch black, dead silence, damp coldness, and narrowing corridors made for quite a memorable experience, but we're so glad we went all the way through.

Big, hot and dry day tomorrow that we're not too excited about.  Alarm's set for 4:30, yay!

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