Saturday, August 9, 2014

tears at the cache

Day 87 ~ miles 1381.5 -1407.4

It was a known fact that today would be miserable.  When the alarm sounded at 4:30, the misery was already apparent.  We ignored the alarm for a few moments, though we both knew it was in our best interest to get ourselves up and moving.  We were on trail by 5:45, a record, I do believe.

When we awoke, it was actually chilly.  It was pretty dark; our noses dripped and hands were numb as we hiked away from Subway Cave.  The air heated up quickly as the sun rose and we climbed up to the Hat Creek Rim.

Our first break was taken up on the rim at some rest/observation area that seemed close to abandonment; it was there that we caught our first glimpse of Mt. Shasta.  Through the haze, Shasta appeared as just a snow-capped peak, levitating above the meeker surrounding mountains.  The base of the mountain was invisible through the sultry haze in the air.

Our water capacity has dwindled in recent miles, as our bladders have been destroyed by misuse and UV rays.  I left out of Subway Cave with 3 liters of water, and Moonshine 4.  Probably not as much as we should've carried, but our capacity was maxed out and we didn't have a choice.  We were doing a great job of rationing our water, but as the heat of the day increased, we wanted to drink more and more.  Around 11 or 12, the heat was becoming unbearable and we were both feeling pretty rough as a result.  In perfect timing, we arrived to Forest Service Road 22, where Cache 22 was fully stocked with water!  Tred, who maintains the cache, welcomed us into the shade of the "twigloo" and gave us each an ice cold Peace Tea.  I literally cried.  For the past bit of hiking, all I'd been thinking about was our lack of water.  What a relief.  Tred informed us that the day's high temperature would be 104, the hottest day of the year.

And guess who else was so perfectly positioned at Road 22?  Coppertone!!  We enjoyed root beer floats in the shade with several other hikers.  To avoid the hottest part of the day, we hung out there for hours.  We hiked out around 6 and walked until dark.  Just about 3 miles until we'll get to a water source tomorrow.  The Hat Creek Rim provided us with some beautiful,  wide open views, but we're glad to have it behind us.

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