Tuesday, September 2, 2014

don't cry over spilled chowder

Day 106 ~ 1727 -1735.9

All of the hikers in Ashland were abuzz about the fires, with some talking about skipping up the trail due to potential danger.  We checked the Pacific Crest Trail Association website multiple times for updates, and the trail to the immediate north was open, although it was recommended that we avoid a section we would get to in a few days.

Eventually, in the afternoon, we were able to pull ourselves away from the luxuries of town.  As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. Unfortunately, we didn't make it back downtown to redeem our free breakfast.

The post-town sluggishness was apparent as we hiked so slow, our packs heavy with food.  From the smoke, the sky was an eerie color, and a low thunder rumbled constantly in the smoke cloud.  The air smelled of smoke and ash rained down on us as we walked, a creepy feeling for sure.

Eventually, we arrived at the first water source out of town and were done for the day.  I was excited about cooking with the new, giant cookpot, and also excited about the fancy health food store soup mix that I was going to cook in it.  It was pretty much ready to serve, when somehow the pot ended up on its side on the ground, right beside a big pile of corn and potato chowder.  I tried to salvage some from the ground, but spruce needles were mixed in throughout.  At least we were sort of satiated from just coming out town.  I tried not to, but I just couldn't help it, the tears started flowing.  LookIng forward to a restful night of sleep and getting back in a good rhythm tomorrow.

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