Wednesday, May 14, 2014

heading to Hiker Heaven

Day 26 ~ miles 440 - 454.5

We awoke on the canyon floor, unscathed by the bats, and found our bodies without signs of poodle dog bush contact.

We put on our "going to town legs", those are the ones that carry us really quickly.  We walked 14 miles into town, headed for Hiker Heaven.  It was extremely windy, which wasn't too pleasant, but lessened the heat from the sun.  To note, we got an awesome trail magic goody bag (thanks, Sina!), and we walked through a really neat county park, Vasquez Rocks, where the feature was quintessential desert rock formations.

We arrived to Agua Dulce around 1; the trail travels right through the town.  It was so difficult to resist stopping into a restaurant, but we wanted to get to Hiker Heaven to reserve our spot.

The Saufleys open up their home as Hiker Heaven for a couple of months during hiking season, the place is unreal!  Hikers have access to a mobile home with kitchen, TV, shower, etc., the entire shaded lawn, bikes to ride around town, laundry, rides into a bigger town, and the list goes on.  We plan to take a day off here tomorrow.  The cabin crew was all there when we arrived.

We got all spiffied up and headed into town on bike, ate pizza and got some groceries, and headed back to settle in for the evening. 

Just when we thought that we didn't have to worry about where the next water source was, the Saufleys ran out of water!  It seems that many people in the area have their own water tank.  Really makes you think about water conservation, especially in a drought.  Water should be delivered tomorrow, and plenty of bottled water was provided.

Looking forward to a zero, our bodies are tired!


  1. Y'all sound like you're having so much fun! Living the dream :)

  2. enjoy your stay at the Saufleys. Sounds like fun and a good break. MIss you guys and thanks for my mother's day text.

  3. It was so nice to meet you guys! 'twas a lovely surprise seeing my name on your blog! :) Best of luck on your journey!!! Its very inspiring to read :)

  4. I hope you enjoyed your day of rest. I am sure it was much needed!
