Friday, May 23, 2014

lotta wind, little water

Day 32 ~ miles 535 - 558.5

We awoke early looking forward to a fresh start, but it was already hot.  We traveled through lots of wind turbines, and the wind was blasting.  Not only was it loud, but the wind gusts blew against us,  making it more difficult to walk, and from our sides, blowing us off the trail at times.  The wind was taking over my body with its force and consumed my mind as it noisily howled in my ears; I couldn't talk or think.  I cussed at the wind and slammed my trekking poles into the ground...all I want is a good day!

We eventually hiked up and over the Tehachapi mountains, and away from the windmills.  With little to no wind, the real air temperature made itself known, it was blazing hot with no shade in sight, as we climbed up and up an exposed mountain.  We didn't bring enough water from the cache, as we were trying to excercise proper water cache etiquette by taking 2L of water each (at most).  I started feeling really crummy...dizzy, weak, nauseaus.  I knew I needed water fast.  We checked our maps and figured we were less than mile from the next water source.  I made it and we sat in the shade by the stream and ate and drank A LOT.  After we hydrated, the miles rolled away much more easily, and the possibility of getting into town tonight loomed.  After the past couple of days, we decided our bodies would benefit from showers and a real bed, so we cranked it up a notch and cruised on to the road that would take us into Tehachapi.  At the road was a familiar camper; it belonged to Coppertone, a trail angel who we'd only heard about, and finally got to meet.  Coppertone is a self-proclaimed nudist (he was partially clothed at the time) who is traveling up the trail in his camper, hiking and biking and making hikers root beer floats.

We took him up on a float and quickly hitched a ride into town where we're sharing a hotel room with Berkley Bill, who we just met.  I know our bodies will much appreciate the offerings of food, hot showers, and bed. 

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