Thursday, June 12, 2014

mosquito valley

Day 49 ~ miles 816 - 833

We slept late, until nearly 7, to allow the morning sun to soften the icy snow just a bit.  We headed up Mather Pass with Midway, and noticed just as we started to make our way up that one of my trekking pole tips was missing.  What a way to start the day; my sweet husband gave me one of his poles to use until we make it into town.  We made it to the pass without difficulty.  The North side of the pass was covered with snow and steep.  Slowly, we made our way down.  I feel like I am learning so much and improving myself and my hiking ability every day out here.  The Sierras are beautiful, but they do not come without a price.  This is by far the most difficult hiking we have ever experienced.

We descended 4,000 feet into the valley, where we had lunch with Midway.  It was hot down in the valley, and the boys decided to cool off by dipping into an icy cold snowmelt stream.  I took pictures.

Hiking through the valley was incredible.  There was water everywhere, and vibrant shades of green, large trees, grassy meadows, and blooming wildflowers filled the landscape, with huge, barren, gray mountains towering above.  We were enamored.

At day's end, we picked a perfect tentsite near a stream and dropped our packs to the ground.  Within seconds we were both swarmed with thick mosquitoes.  We quickly put our packs back on to hike to a less infested location.  They found us here too, so it was an unfortunate rush to cook, eat, organize our things for the evening, and retreat to the safety of the tent.  And so it begins...we knew mosquitoes would be bad, we just didn't know where or when.  I have a feeling this is only the beginning.  We'll be investing in some insect repellent at our next town stop.  Onto Muir Pass tomorrow.

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