Saturday, June 28, 2014

Yosemite zoo

Day 58 ~ miles 933 - 942.6

No bear encounters last night, just a bit of tossing and turning (likely secondary to paranoia of bear activity).  Today, we headed to Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite National Park, where we have a package waiting.  The hike into Tuolumne was completely lacking any elevation change, in other words, it was flat and easy.  I wore my boot for maybe a couple of miles, but it has become so uncomfortable.  The pressure on my shin is more painful than walking without the boot, even though I have attempted to pad it using various items and methods. 

We arrived early afternoon to the zoo that was Yosemite NP on father's day.  There were an abundance of cars and people everywhere.  It's a little strange to walk directly out of the woods and into that bustling environment.  Tuolomne Meadows consists of a general store, post office, and grill, all in the same building, and a campground out back.  We setup at the picnic tables out front, where several hikers gathered and exploded their backpacks and packages over the tables and lawn.  We did the same.  We got some expectedly overpriced and mediocre burgers from the grill, organized food, and repacked our packs as we chatted with other hikers.  After a few hours of loitering, we hoisted our packs on and said our "see ya laters".  Suddenly, a car pulled up and familiar faces exited the vehicle; it wa s Soapbox and Pedi, 2 of the "4 guys" that we hiked with earlier on.  We were happily shocked to see them, as we thought they were several days ahead.  To celebrate our reunion, we all decided to stay at the Tuolumne Meadows campground (the other 2 guys, Quinoa and Half & half, arrived shortly).   We covered the campsites with a large number of tents, as several other hikers were also there.  We gathered firewood and made a toasty fire around which many stories and laughs were shared.  Talk about a morale boost!

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