Thursday, June 12, 2014

snow, snow, and Muir snow

Day 50 ~ miles 833 - 850

With 6 miles to Muir Pass, we started hiking early, and we knew we'd get over the pass before the snow began to turn to slush.  The approach to the pass was long and snowy.  There was snow on about 2 miles of trail leading up to the pass, with footprints going in various directions.  It's exhausting hiking through the snow, and even moreso when you have to find the route.  Eventually, after a couple of false passes (when you think you're to the pass, but you're really not), we made it to the pass.  There stood Muir Hut, a beautiful, round stone structure that serves as an emergency shelter.  On the North side of the pass, there were frozen lakes and snow as far as we could see.  We took a quick snack break and got going down from the pass.

Little did we know that hours of trudging through the snow, wayfinding, postholing, and slipping and sliding awaited us.  It was one of our most frustrating times on the trail.  After nearly 6 hours of snow travel, we were exhausted, but in the clear. 

We cruised down into Evolution Valley, and it seems that the valleys continue to grow more lush.  We spotted a family of 5 deer lying by a stream in a meadow.  The stark contrast in landscapes  almost made it seem as if we had been transported to a different land; the snow from this morning is merely a distant memory.  Early to bed tonight, as we are exhausted and camped alone next to the rushing Evolution Creek, which we will ford tomorrow. 

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