Saturday, June 28, 2014

one thousand!

Day 62 ~ miles 993.5 - 1010

Guess what?!?  We've hiked 1000 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail!! 

We are so excited to have hit this tremendous milestone!  It seems that the time has flown, and it's difficult to fathom that we have walked so far.  At the same time, it's hard to remember the days when life was normal: when we slept in a bed and peed in toilets and drove cars and went to work.  Even though we've walked a super long way, we're still not even halfway to the Northern terminus of the trail!

When we arrived at the 1000th mile, a stone marker had been placed on the ground.  We gathered around with about 6 other hikers while somone played that song "I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more" know the one.  Another hiker was carrying some whisky and passed it around to celebrate the occasion.  We took pictures, ate snacks, and chatted and eventually went on our way. 

Here's to the next thousand, hoping they are as smooth as the first!

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